From time to time I teach English at a language school of which there are many in Lodz. Mostly the teachers are Polish (Poles teaching English??), but at my school only 'native speakers' are employed. Many of the schools try to attract the masses that are leaving by advertising short intensive courses designed for those going abroad to live, there is a lot of competition for the dwindling population.
Despite speaking fluent Polish I often have trouble remembering the names of students which are similar sounding. I once had a class made up of nine men... Czarek, Jarek, Darek, Marek, Mirek, Romek, Krziszek, Grzeszek and Jacek. It gets easier after a few vodkas. The girls are usually called Kasha, Basha, Asha, Ania, Ilona, Ivona, Jola, Ola, Eva, Aga, Monika or Magda. In order to conform to Polish grammar all female names must end in a and male names with a consonant.
Word of the week: Zahipnotyzowac meaning to hypnotise.