Monday, 21 April 2008

Looking for M.

I woke with recollections of the night before and the exquisite M. I managed to break Big Eggs from his slumber and we went for lunch with a couple of pals of mine. We then opted for a coffee in a plush and velvet laden (and empty) bar which has recently opened. Places like these were non-existant when I first arrived here some years ago. Still slightly dazed from the night before, we wandered back early evening and Big Eggs caught the last train to Warsaw. He presented me with an exotic pendant, which has accompanied him to far-flung regions, to keep me safe while touring the Ukraine and Russia - I leave at the weekend.

I sent a text in English to M: 'I dreamt I danced with a girl called M... and she was beautiful.'
Her response was swift and succinct: 'So...?'
I switched to Polish and told her that we could meet that evening if she was free. Her reply confused me: 'This is a mistake'.
Thinking she had misgivings about meeting, I called her. My heart sank when a man answered the phone. She had given me the wrong number. Or I had taken it down wrong.

There is no way to contact her and I know nothing about her except that she is at university. I don't know what she studies or where. I could go back to the same place at the same time next weekend as she said that she is there regularly, but I leave that day for the Ukraine with two friends. By the time I get back in five weeks I will be but a blurred and faded memory. Maybe I could delay our departure...