Big Eggs came over to spend Saturday night with me before I disappear into the wilds of the Ukraine for a month. We spent half the night in our favourite local hotspot where we mingled with all the old gang. The muscle bound bouncers greeted us with firm handshakes at the door, the barmen beamed, the Bummer from Belarus was in expansive mood and Gosha welcomed us with her warm capacious busom. Puhacz regaled us with queenie anecdotes at the bar, the film students were out in force surrounded by admiring girls and the reptilian Doctor slithered in circles... tongue quivering. Big Eggs attracted a lot of pointing and staring from the crowd which we both found tedious.
I got talking to a beautiful girl with thick black hair, whom I shall call M, and we went with her friend upstairs to dance... something I only do when I'm off my head. Later, one of the film students took us to a small cellar bar heaving with sweaty bodies writhing to a hypnotic beat. Fuelled by drugs and booze, M and I spent most of the night heavily entwined on the dance floor, mesmerised by the music and each other. Oblivious to all, we slid and grazed until finally, exhausted by the trance like thud, I decided I'd had enough. At six o'clock, M's friend still didn't want to leave, so we left them and stumbled out into the daylight and deserted streets. Realising suddenly that we were ravenous, we grabbed a kebab and strolled back to my place chomping madly.